Meet Brad Thomson

My introduction into sales was buying various things, mainly bicycles, and selling them to other people… simple stuff yet this is where I really started to grind my teeth in the sales world.

Early on I knew sales would be my avenue of expertise and by the age of 22 I was a life insurance agent! For the last 35 years I’ve been a part of sales, sales management and sales training in one way, shape or another.

After being a sales trainer for the company I worked at, I fell in love with sales training! It really opened my eyes to the fact that ANYONE can produce top numbers through sales with the proper tools AND proper training.

I am a passionate believer in the potential of ALL human beings. I am 100% extraverted and gain all of my energy from being around people and seeing them develop whether it’s health, wealth, sales, business or whatever the case might be that gets them to the next level of evolution in their lives.

Become Your True Self

Every single convention, workshop, or whatever tells you to "think outside the box" which is great... but we tend to lose ourselves trying to be "whacky" or a shiny object. Learn to enjoy far more success and fulfillment through discovering who you truly are and what you want.

Plan Your Path

No one magically falls to the top of a mountain. The process of getting to the peak is a large number of consecutive steps. One after the next, after the next, after the next...

Remember, small victories lead to great success!

Set Goals

Often times people only see the end result; they don't the blood, sweat, and tears that does behind achieving "the big goal". Small victories, or goals, lead to greater success. Think through your goals and choose the ones that will truly advance you through your career.

Unlock Your Greatest Potential

Energy and creativity is generated IMMEDIATELY once you set a goal. Unfortunately, most people don’t utilize that energy to their advantage.

The 4 Pillars of Sales course will equip you with the proper mindset, abilities, activities and an agenda (or plan) needed to help skyrocket your sales.
Go for it!