Procrastination !!

"Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried." 

Chuck Gallozzi


Your areas of greatest frustration are probably areas you really want to achieve but have failed to make any meaningful moves, while “knowing” that all you need …is to start. This frustration can overflow and contaminate other areas of your life.

  1. What goal have you been putting off for so long that you are now disheartened, frustrated and ready to give up on?
  2. Make a decision to start doing something about it today – WRITE it down!
  3. Choose to conquer this goal! WRITE down when you want it done by?
  4. Interrogate yourself about WHY you really want this.?

You might find , you’ve been putting this off because it doesn’t really excite you – that’s OK – DROP IT and ask yourself – What do you really want?

May I also introduce you to the 5 second rule?

If a thought, a desire or a dream crosses your mind and “grabs” your attention or imagination and you feel “moved” to pursue it…do something about it immediately. Do something actively and even physically about it within 5 seconds!! Take a step, albeit minute, within 5 seconds.

– Go get your gym gear on

– Start moving in the direction of the gym.

– Start researching something on Google

– Order a book about it


Go for it!

check out the 4 pillars sales course.