Will You Pay The Price?

access_time 2024-07-13T22:13:03.114Z face Brad Thomson
Will You Pay The Price? Will You Pay The Price - Don't Let Life Slip Away! In a previous blog I spoke about “Objections and Sales being like Peas and Carrots” (a la Forrest Gump). You always find them together!! Well, another 2 things you always find together are ACHIEVEMENT and SACRIFICE! I do not ...

Price vs Value!

access_time 2024-07-13T22:10:54.544Z face Brad Thomson
Price vs Value! Price vs Value PRICE vs VALUE Every company, family and individual is trying to run efficient budgets, make bigger profits for themselves and their shareholders, or trying to generate more disposable income. EVERYONE’S looking for a “good deal”. In other words, EVERYONE is looking fo...

A Career in Sales.

access_time 2024-07-13T22:08:27.289Z face Brad Thomson
A Career in Sales. A Career in Sales! Who chose whom? So, you’ve chosen a career in SALES? – Or would it be more correct to say that … a career in SALES has chosen you…?? Think about it?! When you were at school or college and someone asked people what they were studying you’d get responses like Law...

What Our Customers Are Saying!

access_time 2024-07-13T22:06:27.143Z face Brad Thomson
What Our Customers Are Saying! Philip Meech - Cafe Lusso! Philip Meech, founder of Caffe Lusso, contacted Brad Thomson Coaching in early 2020. Caffe Lusso had already done an exceptional job at building a brand based on outstanding values and spectacular, high quality coffee over the 20 years of the...

Why Prospects Object!

access_time 2024-07-13T22:03:30.502Z face Brad Thomson
Why Prospects Object! Why Your Prospects are Objecting - and How You Can Solve That! As Forrest Gump might say, “Objections and Sales are like Peas and Carrots cause you always find them together”. You simply cannot be in the sales business without encountering objections ! The very word OBJECTIONS ...